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Walden Solo

The Great Introspection

Who am I ... and how do I fit into this big world?


Reserved for our junior members, the Walden Solo is a weekend of self-challenge and personal introspection.

Our Friday begins with our solo-ers preparing for an overnight stay in the woods with very few supplies. It is not meant to be a survival challenge, but rather a time to overcome some fears, look into ourselves as to who we really are, and to examine how we relate to and treat those around us.


Solo-ers head to their remote camping locations around 4:00 pm with a change of clothes, a tent, sleeping bag, bottle of water, small bag of "gorp" for dinner, and their journal. They have nothing to offer outside world stimuli - no cell phone, no i-Pod, not books, magazines, nothing! It is just them, their journal, and nature. The journal has been specifically written to take them through the evening's journey of getting in touch with their natural surroundings, exploring who they are, and how they feel about and interact with family, friends, and others within their daily lives. The journal asks many introspective type questions which the solo-ers are asked to answer, to and for themselves, for no one else will read their journal entries unless they allow them to.


Campers are left overnight, without contact from anyone else, sponsors or other campers. Early Saturday, they will be awakened and asked to tear down their solo camp and rejoin their senior officers in main camp to prepare for the day's personal challenge event. This usually takes the form of a high-ropes course challenge, rappelling, or possibly rock climbing.


Saturday evening finds all the campers feasting on the fine dining of the Giant City Restaurant, followed by campfire smores and our "owl walk". Returning home on Sunday, parents usually find changed individuals walking in the door, better stewards of what they each have been blessed.


The 2016 Walden Solo was partially underwritten by the RMEF.

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